Shipment Of Books Has Cleared Customs

This image is a painting from my book of the boat Norman Baker owned in the 1950's. I thought this image was appropriate and fit nicely with my update. According to the latest status update from the carrier, the shipment of books has cleared customs. This means that all the necessary paperwork has been completed for the shipment to be transferred from the ocean freight company to the ground freight company. While the order is still on the ship awaiting a port appointment, everything has been prepared for the next step in the process. Once docked, the containers aboard the vessel will begin to be unloaded.

It may still be a few weeks before the books are delivered, since there are several more steps between an order clearing customs and being transferred to ground delivery (final distribution). But the books are officially stateside, at least! :) As always, I'll keep you posted!

Preorder your copy HERE!